展館簡介:拉斯維加斯會議中心是目前世界上最先進的多功能場館之一。擁有320萬平方英尺的展覽大廳,可容納100000人以上,中心由LVCVA公司運營。中心以其多功能性聞名于國際。超過200萬平方英尺的展覽面積,144個會議廳(超過243000平方英尺)可容納20-2500人。一個豪華的休息廳及登記處鏈接現有的展廳和預計修建的展廳以及會議室,使中心可以隨意調整場地以適應多種會展需求。 The Las Vegas Convention Center is one of the most modern and functional facilities in the world - a 3.2 million square foot facility located within a short distance of more than 100,000 guest rooms. Operated by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), the center is well known among industry professionals for its versatility. In addition to more than two million square feet of exhibit space, 144 meeting rooms (more than 241,000 square feet) handle seating capacities ranging from 20 to 2,500. A grand lobby and registration area (more than 225,000 square feet) efficiently link existing exhibit halls with new exhibit and meeting rooms, and allowing simultaneous set-up, break-down and exhibiting of multiple events.
展館規模: 擁有320萬平方英尺的展覽大廳,可容納100000人以上 144個會議廳(超過243000平方英尺)可容納20-2500人